Little Mo's Legacy

A Mother's Lessons, A Daughter's Story
Maureen Connnolly Brinker was one of the greatest women's tennis players ever. Affectionately known as "Little Mo", she was the first woman to win the Grand Slam, a magnificent accomplishment for someone only 18 years old. (Only five players in the history of tennis have won the Grand Slam.)
Maureen died of ovarian cancer when her daughter, Cindy, was 12 years old. Little Mo's Legacy is an inspiring book of the lessons Maureen left in her daughter's care.
A charming, heartfelt, inspirational story, Little Mo's Legacy, encompasses many facets of the mother-daughter relationship. This is a book about service to family and community, a chronicle of a daughter's lessons from her mom, and the healing process after losing a loved one.
The book is available for purchase on Amazon.
"I was fifteen years old when I had the thrill of first meeting Maureen. Over the years, our paths crossed many times. She was a total inspiration and role model to me. Little Mo's Legacy outlines the principles that made Maureen a champion on and off the court. It is a remarkable book for all ages." ~ Billie Jean King
"Little Mo was a champion at tennis. Had her accident not cut short her remarkable career, we all would have been chasing her records. More importantly, she was a champion at life by affecting others in a positive way. Everyone who follows the lessons Maureen taught Cindy is a winner."~ Martina Navratilova