Give back in a positive way

Just wanted to say thank you so much for all your hard work putting together the “Little Mo” International Tournament. It was also a pleasure meeting your folks, especially your father. He may have been Thai’s good luck charm because when your Dad started watching, was when Thai started turning things around in the finals. Thai and I had a very nice time in Arlington. (I had never spent any time in Dallas). We made new memories and we will look back on fondly. When the closing ceremonies were over Thai said to me that he couldn’t believe that this was his last Little Mo event. He said to me, “didn’t I play my first Little Mo event when I was 6?” I told him that was correct in Alpharetta, Georgia.

I know you keep your eye out for how your Little Mo participants/alumni due in the future and hopefully, Thai will go on to do some wonderful things with his tennis. Perhaps one day he can give back to your organization in a positive way as so many have already.

Have a Happy Holiday season.