









News Articles

Little Mo Internationals at Forest Hills date has been changed to August 24-30. Registration to open soon. See you in New York.

May 3, 2014

The 3rd annual “Little Mo” Internationals at the historic West Side Tennis Club at Forest Hills will now be held from Sunday, August 24 – 29.  (The rain date will be the August 30.)  This date will fantastic since it is the first week of the  U.S. Open so players will have a chance to go see world class tennis while in New York. (Forest Hills is a short drive away from the U.S. Open.) The tournament will offer singles and doubles competition with yellow ball only – ages 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.  There will also be a fun mixed doubles tournament on Friday, August 29  on the famous grass courts at Forest Hills.  The tournament is open to all players from the USA and worldwide. Registration will be open soon – the week of May 5.  To register, and click on Tournaments and the Statue of…

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Mo in the Mountains Training Camp has been postponed until next summer.

May 3, 2014

We hope to see you next summer for the “Mo in the Mountains” training camp.

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Two Little Mo players, Isabelle Monachelli and Daniel Phillips, meet up in Bermuda at the Mary Outerbridge tournament. Isabelle and Daniel won 2nd place.

April 15, 2014

On Saturday, April 12, the 1st annual Mary Outerbridge tournament was held in Bermuda.  Isabelle Monachelli from Somers, New York  won 2nd place and found a new friend in Daniel Phillips from Sandys, Bermuda, who also placed 2nd.   They have been having fun going to the beach, swimming and playing tennis.  Lifelong friendships are formed in tennis so try to meet as many people as you can along the way. It sure makes the journey of junior tennis much more fun and will bring you a lifetime of memories. See you on the courts.

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Little Mo Texas Sectionals in Arlington, Texas – results posted on tournament home page. Congratulations and good luck at the Regionals.

March 23, 2014

Lots of great tennis and outstanding sportsmanship this weekend at the Arlington Tennis Center in Arlington, Texas. See you in May at the Regionals.

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Ryan Harrison, former Little Mo champ, into 2nd round of Sony and plays doubles today with Jack Sock. Good luck.

March 21, 2014

Good luck Ryan in singles and doubles.  Keep up the good work!

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Jonathan Albrecht of Babolat passed away on Saturday, March 15. We send our deepest sympathy to his wife, family and Babolat team..

March 15, 2014

We will all miss Jonathan. He recently attended the “Little Mo” Nationals in Austin in October and was always a fun guy to be around.  We send our deepest sympathy to his wife, family and the Babolat team.  Note from Craig Bell: Hi Everyone, It is with great sadness that I pass along this email today.  Many of you have probably already heard the news that our good tennis buddy, Jonathan Albrecht of Babolat Racquet Sports, passed away very unexpectedly last Saturday.   For all that knew Jonathan, he was a stranger to no one – always very positive and upbeat.  I can’t imagine Jonathan not walking through the doors of Bent Tree Tennis any longer.     Whenever Jonathan would send out emails to everyone he would always start with “You are Greatness”…..Jonathan – You Were Greatness and we all appreciated your willingness to be a part of the tennis community – not just selling…

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Little Mo Internationals in Bermuda has been postponed. We hope to see you on the beautiful island next year.

February 10, 2014

The “Little Mo” Internationals in Bermuda has been postponed until next year.  We look forward to seeing you then for some ‘island’ fun and outstanding tennis.

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The Little Mo Grand Slam to continue in 2014. The 1st leg to be held in San Diego, California. Players win a 6′ trophy.

February 9, 2014

The “Little Mo” Grand Slam will continue in 2014.  The 1st leg will be held at Morgan Run in San Diego, California.  The tournament will be held for players age 8-12 (yellow ball divisions). The “Little Mo” is unique in that players  play others their same age: 8’s play 8’s, 9’s play 9’s, etc.   The other tournaments which will comprise The “Little Mo” Grand Slam: Forest Hills, New York (August) and Palm Beach Gardens, Florida (December). The winner will receive a 6′ trophy – the tallest trophy ever given in junior tennis. Good luck!  

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Steve Johnson, former Little Mo champion, wins Dallas Challenger Pro event. Ryan Harrison – runner-up in Doubles

February 8, 2014

Congratulations to Steve and Ryan, both former “Little Mo” Champions at the Challenger of Dallas professional tournament.  Steve won the singles title and Ryan was runner-up in the doubles.

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Ryan Harrison, former Little Mo Nationals champion, wins first round in Dallas Challenger Pro tournament. Stops by Little Mo booth for visit.

February 4, 2014

Ryan Harrison won in straight sets tonight in his first round match at the Challenger of Dallas pro tournament at TBARM Racquet Club.   Thanks for stopping by the “Little Mo” booth for a short visit. Good luck in your next round. Carol

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