"Little Mo" Tournaments


We are looking forward to seeing all of our players again this year and welcoming new families for all of the fun, festivities, and memories on and off the tennis court! Thank you so much for your support of the "Little Mo" and a special thank you to our tournament sites, volunteers, and proud sponsors: Jersey Mike's Subs ("Title Sponsor"), Tennis Competitors of Dallas (TCD), Wilson Sporting Goods Company ("Official Racquet, String, and Ball"), Lucky in Love Kids ("Official Apparel"), Ethos School ("Official Sponsor"), Palm Beach County Sports Commission (PBCSC), and Arlington Sports Commission (ASC). The "Little Mo" is truly a "one of a kind" tournament for young tennis players held in honor of tennis legend Maureen "Little Mo" Connolly Brinker. These special events are focused on new friendships, great sportsmanship, and competitive matches with approximately 2,500 youngsters from over 70 different countries competing annually. We hope you and your family will join us for one or more of our tournaments this year!

2025 "Little Mo" Regionals

We are so excited to announce registration is NOW OPEN for our four 2025 "Little Mo" Regionals (North, South, East, West) - open to any USA player (ages 8-12)! Registration for all regional tournaments will be on a first-come, first-served basis up to the entry limit - we will be accepting the first 32 players in each division. If a division reaches the entry limit before the registration deadline, a WAITING LIST will be established at that time. Be sure to register early as the draws typically fill before the registration deadline! *Please note that once you have received a confirmation email from UTR/Stripe, your player's entry has been accepted into the tournament and you can make your travel arrangements. 

2025 "Little Mo" Internationals

We are so excited to announce that registration is NOW OPEN for our first two 2025 "Little Mo" Internationals (Colorado, New Jersey):

Registration for all international tournaments will be on a first-come, first-served basis up to the entry limit - we will be accepting the first 30 players in each division in Colorado and the first 14 players in each division in New Jersey. If a division reaches the entry limit before the registration deadline, a WAITING LIST will be established at that time. Be sure to register early as the draws typically fill before the registration deadline! *Please note that once you have received a confirmation email from UTR/Stripe, your player's entry has been accepted into the tournament and you can make your travel arrangements.

We are planning to open registration for our third and final 2025 "Little Mo" Internationals (Florida) in June/July - open to any player worldwide (ages 8-16)! In the meantime, we would recommend signing up for our monthly newsletter to ensure that you receive the most up-to-date information throughout the year. If you are not already subscribed, you can sign up on our MCB website (www.mcbtennis.org) at the bottom of the page.


28th Annual "Road to the Little MO Nationals"

The "Little Mo" tournaments feature the youngest and brightest stars in junior tennis. They are designed to provide outstanding competition at the regional, national, and international level while also encouraging players to develop new friendships, learn good sportsmanship, and most of all, have fun. The "Little Mo" is unique in that it gives talented, high-performance boys and girls (ages 8-12) the opportunity to gauge their ability against players born in the same year from around the USA.

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"Little Mo" Regionals

The "Little Mo" Regionals are open to any player who lives in the United States and its territories (ages 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12). The top four yellow ball players (semifinalists) in each age division from each qualifying regional tournament will advance to the prestigious “Little Mo” Nationals in Austin, Texas.



Palm Beach Gardens Tennis Center

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

April 26-28, 2025

Arlington Tennis Center


Arlington Tennis

Arlington, Texas

May 24-26, 2025

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Berkeley Tennis

Berkeley, California

July 19-21, 2025

cary logo


Cary Leeds Center for Tennis & Learning

Bronx, New York

August 31- September 2, 2025

"Little Mo" Nationals


Austin Tennis Academy

Austin, Texas

September 26-29, 2025


"Little Mo" Internationals

The "Little Mo" Internationals are open to any player worldwide (ages 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12). The “Big Mo” divisions have also been added in Colorado and Florida for ages 13, 14, 15, and 16. Singles, Doubles, and Mixed Doubles will be offered for all age divisions. There will also be many fun activities including an Opening Ceremony, Player Parade of Nations, Player Clinic, Player Party, Group Photo, "Mo" Coins for prizes, and the "Little Mo/Big Mo" Booth!



U.S. Air Force Academy

Colorado Springs, Colorado

July 4-9, 2025

New york

New Jersey

West Orange Tennis Club

West Orange, New Jersey

August 16-20, 2025



Palm Beach Gardens Tennis Center

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

December 5-10, 2025

The "Little Mo" Slam


If a player wins their yellow ball division at all 3 "Little Mo" Internationals in the same year, they will take home the tallest trophy in junior tennis - 6 feet tall! For more information and to see past winners, click here.



More for them in 1 weekend than I thought possible.

Yesterday was their first day back in our club's clinic after playing in the "Little Mo" Texas Sectionals and their tennis was unbelievable. Your tourney did more for them in 1 weekend than I thought possible. Playing against and seeing that level of talent last weekend really gave them a good look at their game and a good shot of confidence.

~ Andrew

A unique opportunity to compete against peers.

There just aren't that many opportunities for kids my six-year-old son's age through about 10 to compete with others on a more or less equal footing. He competes in the local USTA level 3 10-and-unders, but those are single-session round robins, and he's often up against kids two or three years his senior. I think the "Little Mo" is an important tournament for younger kids who have a passion for tennis because it gives them a unique opportunity to compete against peers.

~ Kelly

“Little Mo” Internationals – most fantastic tournament.

Thank you so much for the most fantastic tournament. Benjamin had the most wonderful time ever and cannot wait to return. I have to congratulate you all in every aspect of the tournament. I have never been to a tournament so well run. The whole event from start to finish really should be a model for tournaments around the world to follow. The officials were great and the spirit in which the matches were played were a testament to you all.

~ Lara

Best organized and highest quality.

The "Little Mo" is the best organized and highest quality tournament we have ever participated in. We want to thank you for the opportunity to complete.

~ Eugene

Hold the Little Mo tournaments in the highest regard.

Tate holds the Little Mo tournaments in the highest regards above all others. It was his first real tournament experience at 7 years old and Little Mo will always be VERY special to him. We all thank you for the work that you do and the opportunities that you give the children to not only compete but to have great experiences and fun doing something they love to do.

~ Jackie



Watch the 15th Annual "Little Mo" Internationals in Florida - Opening Ceremony as well as a surprise visit from tennis champion, Reilly Opelka. See what makes the "Little Mo" Tournaments so special!

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